物理治疗 诊所及特别计划

Our therapists take part and lead many special services and clinics here and in the community. 这些包括:

  • 平衡和前庭服务: Our physical therapists are trained to help you overcome dizziness and vertigo. 的 vestibular system sends information to your brain when your head moves or you change positions. Problems in this system could cause you to be dizzy, lightheaded or woozy. You may also experience a spinning sensation known as vertigo. 平衡疗法 能帮助治疗头晕吗.
  • 囊性纤维化诊所: In this clinic, our physical therapists educate patients and their families. We teach them the technique of chest physical therapy. For someone with CF, chest physical therapy is an integral part of a person's daily routine. It helps keep lungs from blockages that may lead to infection. We test the musculoskeletal system with particular emphasis on cardiovascular fitness. We teach people with cystic fibrosis to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. This includes working with physicians, dietitians, nurse-coordinators and social workers.
    Physical therapist helps patient with knee exercises
  • 血友病治疗中心: 的 血友病治疗中心 includes physical therapy. This clinic for people from New Hampshire and Vermont who have hemophilia. We hold this clinic several times each year. 研究 has shown that these clinics can improve outcomes for those with hemophilia. 的 physical therapist assesses and provides education, and designs exercise programs as needed.
  • 骨科诊所: This clinic is in the Orthopaedics department. We address the injuries people may have with many orthopaedic conditions. In this clinic, you have a full program in the outpatient physical therapy department.
  • 脊柱裂诊所: This clinic services children with spina bifida throughout New Hampshire. 的 therapist provides recommendations on exercise programs and follow-up care. 我们解决矫形器和辅助装置, 手术治疗, 设备需求, 还有学校项目.
  • 运动医学诊所: We work with sports medicine providers to help athletes return to activities and sports. Our therapists have training in return-to-sport rehabilitation programs and testing.
  • 轮椅诊所: A wheelchair plays an important role in the degree of independence and quality of life of many. This clinic specializes in evaluating and recommending appropriate wheelchairs. A person needing a wheelchair has many special needs. Ordering equipment for the wheelchair can be challenging and requires extensive problem-solving.
  • 一一加以教育: 一一加以教育 includes instruction for workers in methods of preventing work-related injuries. We customize programs for specific jobs within a company or individual companies. We help managers with their role in preventing injuries for their employees. We train in various departments within 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心 and sometimes off-site at local businesses.


淋巴水肿的治疗 treats conditions related to the lymphatic system. 这些可能包括:

  • 慢性静脉功能不全
  • Lipedema
  • Phlebo-lymphostatic水肿
  • 创伤后水肿

We have certified lymphedema therapists who treat uncontrolled swelling using specialized techniques.


神经肌肉诊所 meets monthly offering services to help manage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) including:

  • 神经学
  • 护理
  • 营养服务
  • 物理和职业治疗
  • 肺药
  • 社会工作服务
  • 言语语言病理学

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) clinic This clinic meets once a month and offers:

  • 神经学
  • 职业治疗
  • 物理治疗
  • 社会工作服务

的rapists work with the team to address issues that arise with neuromuscular diseases. In both clinics we provide you and your family with help for mobility and daily activities. We help you with exercises and assistive devices for walking. We provide tips to help people stay active. We help with information about mobility devices like wheelchairs, scooters, and stair climbers.


Physical therapists can help with early and late effects of cancer treatments. We recommend exercises that help you regain range of motion, strength, and balance. 治疗 can help restore function, decrease pain, and improve quality of life. Our department also has physical therapists who specialize in breast cancer rehabilitation.


Pelvic 地板上 physical therapy involves the pelvic 地板上 muscle group. 这些肌肉支撑着盆腔器官. 的y are a part of bowel and bladder control and contribute to sexual arousal and orgasm. We treat both men and women for pelvic 地板上 issues. 这些包括:

  • 慢性盆腔疼痛
  • 便秘
  • Difficulty with urination or bowel movements
  • 尿失禁
  • 性交疼痛