DARDAR Pediatric Program

An award from the U.S.的 Foundation for the Treatment of Children with AIDS is supporting the establishment of a model program of comprehensive and family-centered pediatric HIV care and treatment in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

DARDAR Pediatric Program (DPP) staff began seeing patients in 2006 at a temporary clinical site. In 2007, they moved into their new clinical facility at the Infectious Disease Centre in downtown Dar, adjacent to the building where the DARDAR 健康 Study is conducted. DPP is the only dedicated pediatric HIV care and treatment center in Tanzania.

Our mission

  • To provide high-quality comprehensive pediatric care to HIV-infected children
  • To train health care workers in pediatric HIV care and treatment
  • To counsel patients and their families regarding HIV care, treatment and prevention and to promote healthy lifestyle practices

The DPP staff includes a clinical director, two staff physicians and three nurse-counselors.

We provide free HIV voluntary counseling and testing to children under 18 years of age. All children found to be HIV-infected are enrolled in care at DPP, which includes comprehensive screening for tuberculosis, and if medically indicated, are started on antiretroviral therapy. 

The care provided at DPP is in accordance with Tanzanian national guidelines and in close collaboration with the PEPFAR-funded MDH Program which provides care to HIV-infected adults. All care and medications, including antiretrovirals for HIV, are provided free of charge.

Outreach activities targeting orphans and vulnerable children have been initiated, including a partnership with the Grandma-2-Grandma Program (known locally by their Kiswahili name, Bibi-2-Bibi), a program that supports grandmothers caring for their orphaned grandchildren.