Implantable Cardiac Device 铅的管理和提取

The experts on our team are trained 和 practiced in managing implantable cardiac devices. 这些由电池供电的小型设备包括:

Most of these complex devices are made up of 2 main parts:

  • 发电机,包括设备的电池
  • Wires (also called “leads”), which connect the device to the heart

Leads can monitor the heart rhythm 和 deliver energy to the heart for pacing. 在某些情况下, leads can shock the heart back to normal rhythm. In most cases, leads stay permanently attached to the heart for a lifetime.

当引线不能正常工作时, 我们的团队可以执行高级故障排除, 通常采用非手术方法. If necessary, lead problems can be addressed by repositioning or replacing the lead. Sometimes this requires that we remove (extract) an old lead.


在某些情况下, it may be necessary or preferred to remove leads by a surgical procedure called lead extraction. Extraction might be needed when a lead malfunctions, becomes unnecessary, or gets infected. A lead's lifespan depends on what type of lead it is 和 how much it is stressed in the body, 但领先优势通常会持续20到30年.

从历史上看, lead extraction was avoided unless absolutely necessary because of the high risks of the procedure. Now, thanks to major advancements in tools 和 techniques, we can safely remove leads when necessary. 我们的最佳, local care allows you to stay close to home here in northern New Engl和 和 get back to doing the things you love.


  • 疲劳(极度疲劳)
  • 运动耐受性下降
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 昏倒的昏倒的或接近昏倒的
  • Inappropriate shocks from a device with shocking capability (for example, 植入式除颤器)
  • The device's battery losing power faster than expected

In many cases, you may have no symptoms if a lead malfunctions. If your device is monitored via remote monitoring, problems will likely be detected before symptoms develop.

When a device or lead becomes infected, you may experience:

  • New pain or discomfort near the generator pocket (where the device is implanted under the skin)
  • New redness, swelling, or wrinkling of the skin over the device
  • Unexplained fevers, night sweats, body aches, or malaise (a general feeling of discomfort)

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, call your cardiologist.


我们的团队是由电生理学家组成的, 高级执业医师(APPs), 心脏护理专家. We support a large system of rural hospitals 和 bring a long history of medical excellence 和 academic rigor.

If you are referred to us, you will meet with one of our experts in lead management 和 extraction: 艾米丽P. Zeitler, MD, MHS 和 埃文·K. Grove, MD, MHS.


What to expect if you need to consider a lead extraction procedure

We perform all lead extractions in one of our state-of-the-art cardiac electrophysiology (EP) labs in Lebanon, 新汉普郡. 我们的EP实验室位于中心位置, with plenty of parking 和 amenities close by to make your trip easy 和 worry free.

If you need to have the lead on your implanted cardiac device removed, you can expect to:

  1. 先和你的主治心脏病医生谈谈. Your cardiologist is your best resource for underst和ing what to expect 和 why you need this care. They will refer you to a trusted electrophysiologist for a consultation.
  2. 和我们其中一个见面 电生理学的医生 who has expertise in lead troubleshooting 和 lead extraction.
  3. 如果你是抽铅的候选人, you will probably undergo a special CT (computed tomography) scan of your chest 和 heart in preparation for the procedure.
  4. 和我们的团队一起安排你的手术.

Your lead extraction procedure will be done under general anesthesia, performed by specially trained cardiac anesthesiologists. Most patients stay 1 night in the hospital for monitoring after the procedure.

After your lead extraction surgery, your primary cardiologist will resume your care.


To arrange an outpatient lead management consultation, call the EP scheduling team at 603-650-4590.

Urgent transfers for patients with actively infected devices should go through the DHMC中转中心 和 will be facilitated by the lead management team.

Current research on lead management 和 extraction