Project Medical Education


我们的目标是提高参与者对复杂的医学教育系统和教学医院在培训卫生保健提供者方面的使命的理解, conducting research, providing patient care, 满足服务不足人群的需求.

PME改编自美国医学院协会(AAMC)创建的一个项目。. 全国各地的学术医疗中心都提供类似的项目.

Who participates


参与者包括州议员和监管机构, congressional staffers, insurance executives, business leaders, health care advocates and hospital trustees. 该项目也对新闻媒体成员开放.

What to expect

On your first day at Project Medical Education, 你将成为十大网赌平台推荐大学盖泽尔医学院的一名“医学生”.

你将与老师和其他医学生见面,了解他们希望你学些什么. When you “graduate,“你会得到你的学生贷款债务,并与教学医院的住院医师项目相匹配. (令人惊讶的是,它恰好是十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心!)

PME项目的核心是第二天的“临床轮转”. 你会在一个真正的病人护理小组里待上四个小时, 在住院医生照顾病人时跟随他/她, responds to codes, completes paperwork, and interacts with other physicians, nurses, caregivers, and family members. 一些参与者可能会观察手术,在产房或急诊室. There's no script, so anything could happen.

您将了解突破性的研究,并有机会在我们最先进的患者安全中实践您的临床技能 & Training Center. 与会者还将有机会向高层领导提问并分享见解.

Details and agenda



  • PME在十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心和 Hilton Garden Inn in Lebanon, New Hampshire. 课程从第一天中午开始,到第二天下午3点结束. See the example agenda above.
  • 我们将在希尔顿花园酒店预订酒店. 我们将支付酒店住宿费用并提供膳食. 如果参与者可能不接受住宿或膳食的保险, 我们可以安排费用直接支付给参与者.
  • We do not cover travel expenses.
  • A letter detailing the educational program, along with a disclosure of all costs, will be provided upon request.
  • Directions to the Hilton Garden Inn
  • 十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心方向,地图和停车



  • “这是一个从内部观察医疗保健行业的绝佳方式. A great experience." - Jim Roche, President, Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire
  • "Thank you for including me in the PME program. 我认为它很棒,内容丰富,令人振奋." - Bob Odell, New Hampshire State Senator
  • "Excellent program. Faculty and students were outstanding.——罗杰·塞维尼,新罕布什尔州保险局局长
  • 当我被邀请参加医学教育项目时, 我认为我无法证明我所投入的时间是合理的. I'm glad I reconsidered. 离开时,我对医疗护理的第一线有了更深刻的理解." - Vincent Illuzzi, Vermont State Senator
  • “我非常喜欢在查房时做‘客座医生’. The best part of the entire program!——Gregg Mandsager,城市经理,黎巴嫩,新罕布什尔州
  • "What an amazing program! I can't say enough about it. Thank you so much!——Vanessa Santarelli, NH公共政策主任,两州初级保健协会

Frequently asked questions

I have other commitments. Can I attend just part of the PME program?

PME是一个综合性的教育项目. In order to benefit from the experience, 强烈建议参与者完成整个1-1/2天的课程. 如果你现在不能参加整个项目,我们将把你的参与推迟到未来的活动.

What should I wear?

Attire is business casual. 舒适的鞋子对于临床旋转是一种 must!

Are there confidentiality requirements?

Yes. 患者特定信息的保密性至关重要. 因为你将被医务人员办公室授予"临时观察特权, you will be required to sign a Code of Ethics form (PDF) at the beginning of the program.

Will I go into patient rooms and clinical areas?


Will patients be OK with me entering their room?

In general, yes. 我们的病人被告知这是一家教学医院,并且知道他们将与病人护理团队互动. You will be a part of a patient care team. 您将被要求签署一份保密协议,并对所有患者的具体信息完全保密.


Not at all. 如果您对某些情况敏感,请提前告知我们. 我们会在安排你的临床轮转时考虑到这一点.


This happens from time to time. If you see a patient you know, 我们鼓励你离开那个区域,不要参与那个特定的互动. You should keep any patient specific information, 包括有人出现在十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心, strictly confidential.

Will I be lobbied during the program?

Absolutely not. 项目医学教育是一项教育计划.